
查詢關鍵字 飲食文化,共 494
篇名 作者 類別 冊次 頁次
K陝西蕎麥 郭慶豐 飲食文化 173
La Mondialisation par le Bout du Nem David Wu 飲食文化 十六 389
manta和饅頭-兼論民族間K的交流 李樹輝 飲食文化 十四 92
Mark Swislocki, Culinary Nostalgia : Regional Food Culture and the Urban Experience in Shanghai 郭忠豪 飲食文化 二十四 25
On the Civilizing of Appetite Stephen Mennell 飲食文化 十八 261
Our Beer: Ethnographic Brands in Postsocialist Georgia Paul Manning and Ann Uplisashvili 飲食文化 二十 417
Real Belizean Food: Building Local Identily in the Transnational Caribbean Richard R. Wilk 飲食文化 十八 343
Sweet Polychrest Sidney W. Mintz 飲食文化 十六 87
Taste Buds Talking: Cultural Identity and the Language of Food Colleen Tucker 飲食文化 十八 355
Tasting Taiwan -- 圖解百年食物紀錄 魏佳卉 飲食文化 二十三 493
Tasting Wisconsin - A Chef's Story Amy B. Trubek 飲食文化 二十 457
Techne, Technoscience, and the Circulation of Comestible Commodities: An Introduction Deborah Heath and Anne Meneley 飲食文化 二十 433
Tensions rise as world faces short rations Russell Blinch and Brian Love 飲食文化 二十一 255
The Abominable Pig Marvin Harris 飲食文化 十八 197
The Anthropology of Food and Eating Sidney W. Mintz and Christine M. Du Bois 飲食文化 十八 369
The Culinary Triangle Claude L?vi-Strauss 飲食文化 十八 143
The Globalization of Chinese Food and Cuisine- Markers and Breakers of Cultural Barriers David Y.H. Wu and Sidney C. H. Cheung 飲食文化 十八 391
The New Food Capital Of The World Christian Caryl and Akiko Kashiwagi 飲食文化 二十一 137
The Taste of Nationalism: Food Politics in Postsocialist Moscow Melissa L. Caldwell 飲食文化 十八 427
Tight Spaces and Salsa-stained Aprons - Bodies at Work in American Restaurants Karla A. Erickson 飲食文化 二十 443